
Q: Why isn't the person with the lowest score for the week automatically eliminated?

A: Good question. We don't automatically eliminate the person in last place because everyone can have a bad day. It's not fair to have someone who has been consistently good go home because of one bad shoot while girls who have been barely skating by each week are safe. Deciding between the bottom two makes sure that the contestants who deserve to be in the contest actually stay in the contest. Think of it like the "call outs" on ANTM - the girls who do best are usually given second chances if they mess up one week.

Q: What if there is a tie for something?

A: The head judge will settle all ties. If it is a tie for first place, the one with more first place rankings will normally get first (someone ranked 1,1,1,4 would win over someone ranked 2,2,2,1 even though they tied in score). If it is a tie for elimination, the head judge will evaluate both portfolios and make an executive decision as to who should go home.

Q: Why don't you use a poll to decide who stays and goes?

A: I believe polls are unfair. They make it more of a popularity contest (who can get more friends to vote for them), and it also takes away from the modeling aspect of the competition - most people, when deciding who they want to stay, don't take into account that this is a modeling competition; they'll just choose whatever photo they "like" better, or whoever is "prettier". Keeping the decision with the judges makes things more fair.

Q: What if I can't get my shoot in for the week?

A: Please check in the Rules under "Deadlines".

Any other questions? PM SupermodelMule