
There aren't many rules in this competition, but we ask that you read and abide by them ALL.

[General Rules]

  • If you have been chosen as a Top 12 contestant and participated in "Make Me A Gaia Supermodel" run by MakikoStars/SupermodelMule, you are not allowed to apply for another season (minus the All-Stars seasons).

  • To be eligible to apply for an All-Stars season, you must have one been chosen as a Top 12 contestant, and eliminated by the judges.

  • To be eligible for an All-Stars round if you dropped or got disqualified, you must have competed in at least 3 challenges in your season (not including the application or preliminary rounds) before your drop/disqualification.

  • Breaking (or suspected breaking) of any rule will automatically disqualify you in the application and preliminary rounds. While in the Top 12, the judges will decide your fate if you break a rule once. Breaking rules two or more times will result in automatic disqualification.

  • Any contestant who willingly drops from or is disqualified from the competition will receive no prize compensation.

  • As creator of this competition, the head judge is able to change/alter the rules at any point in time.


  • Only certain editing techniques may be used. These are:
    Fixing red eye
    Rotation/Flipping photos
    Minor color changes (greyscale, black and white, and sepia)

  • If you want to do something and it is not listed here, you are to assume it is not allowed.

  • If you have any questions as to whether something you want to do is allowed, PM SupermodelMule.


  • Contestants are expected to make every deadline.

  • We will only accept new shoots that have been taken FOR the challenge given, therefore no old pictures should be used. This rule is somewhat flexible for the application round only.

  • If a contestant cannot make their deadline, they must ask for and be granted an extension. Title your PM "I'm an All-Star, so I read the rules!"

  • If a contestant misses the deadline due to something they cannot control (example; a bad storm has had the internet down all day), they should STILL turn in their pictures ASAP and explain what happened. In some events, their pictures may still be counted for that week.

  • If a contestant misses a deadline for any other reason, they will automatically be placed last for that week, and will be up for elimination. The judges will use the person's past portfolio to evaluate whether or not they feel the person should be eliminated.

  • There are two weeks when the above rule does not apply. During the first and final weeks of competition, you will be automatically cut if you do not turn in pictures.

  • If a contestants misses two deadlines, whether they are in a row or not, they will be automatically disqualified from the competition.


  • There are two types of extensions: regular extensions and emergency extensions. No extension will last longer than six days.

  • Regular extensions must be asked for at least two days before the original deadline (if the deadline is Friday, you must ask by Wednesday).

  • Emergency extensions can be asked for up to 6 hours before the deadline. These are given for uncontrollable, unforeseen events that may delay getting a shoot done or sending in pictures.  

  • Emergency extensions will only be given for the following things:
    Sudden/serious injury or illness to self
    Serious illness/injury of close friends or family members (to the point of hospitalization)
    Death of close friends or family members
    Natural disasters/serious weather conditions

  • If you believe you have something that would qualify for an emergency extension that is NOT listed, PM SupermodelMule and she will let you know if it qualifies for an emergency extension.